Traminette 750ml
This Semi-Sweet white wine is sure to impress at any gathering. With a taste and nose of citrus fruits, this wine is an easy to enjoy take on Traminette. Pair this wine with smoked seafood. 
15.74 15.74 USD
Seaport White 750ml
A light, refreshing Chardonnay blend with overtones of citrus and pear, featuring a blend of Chardonnay with some Seyval, Cayuga, and a small amount of Riesling added. A great house white option.
16.67 16.67 USD
Seyval Blanc 750ml
The french hybrid grape Seyval Blanc is a delicate and beautiful wine replete with floral, fruity notes and soft tannins. If you like Pinot Grigio, you’ll love this one!
15.74 15.74 USD
Cayuga White 750ml
A light refreshing white wine. This wine features flavors of tart apple with a distinctive grape flavor. It is an easy drinking wine that is great for all occasions
15.74 15.74 USD
Foxy White 750ml
This wine is made from a blend of grapes grown in the Lake Erie Region most notably Diamond. This sweet white wine gets its name Renard from the “foxy” character typical to Concord and other Labrusca family grapes. This wine shows some earthiness but has a light ripe fruit muskiness, making for a refreshing white wine that will pair with anything that has a little spice.
12.96 12.96 USD