• Red Wines
  • White Wines
  • Fruit Wines
  • Specialty Wines
  • Blush Wines
Apple 750ml
Made with a 50/50 blend of Macintosh and Granny Smith apples this apple wine makes an excellent fall drink. Other ways to enjoy our Apple wine include adding a shot of either cinnamon whiskey or caramel vodka to a glass for a fall cocktail.
15.74 15.74 USD
Zombie Red 750ml
This Cherry flavored red wine is perfect for the sweet and fruit wine drinker that is looking for a go-to that is to die for. This sweet easy-drinking cherry heavy wine is a deliciously drinkable confection that crept out of the vineyards and took over the palates of our customers. The perfect wine to drink while you watch your favorite zombie TV show!
15.74 15.74 USD
15.74 15.74 USD
Zombie Blush 750ml
This sweet strawberry kiwi-flavored blush wine can be taken anywhere for an easy-drinking wine.

We have found a cure! The blood is returning to the flesh. This is the answer to all the suffering. Slowly but surely the blood is running through their bodies again. When BLUSHING color turns back to red we will all be saved.
15.74 15.74 USD
Foxy Red 750ml
This lovely bright ruby red Concord wine is an area classic, with a smooth grape forward flavor and a very grape-like nose. This adult grape juice pairs well with barbeque beef.
12.96 12.96 USD
Pumpkin Pie 750ml
The taste of pumpkin pie spices will jump out at you as you taste this sweet red wine. The flavors of pumpkin and various spices make for an enjoyable fall treat!
15.74 15.74 USD
Peanut Butter Cup 750ml
The irresistible taste of peanut butter and chocolate, mixed with the rich taste of Concord grapes, makes this wine an absolute hit at home or at a party. It's definitely a wine you don't want to miss out on!!

(10% Residual Sugar)

Other options you have with this wine:

Mix with hot fudge and pour over ice cream
Substitute the water in the brownie mix and use the wine 
Mix with ice cream in a blender with wine for a peanut butter milkshake
Mix with frosting to frost a cake. 
**This wine has no traces of peanuts and is safe for anyone with a peanut allergy.**
15.74 15.74 USD
Traminette 750ml
This Semi-Sweet white wine is sure to impress at any gathering. With a taste and nose of citrus fruits, this wine is an easy to enjoy take on Traminette. Pair this wine with smoked seafood. 
15.74 15.74 USD
Seaport White 750ml
A light, refreshing Chardonnay blend with overtones of citrus and pear, featuring a blend of Chardonnay with some Seyval, Cayuga, and a small amount of Riesling added. A great house white option.
16.67 16.67 USD
Seyval Blanc 750ml
The french hybrid grape Seyval Blanc is a delicate and beautiful wine replete with floral, fruity notes and soft tannins. If you like Pinot Grigio, you’ll love this one!
15.74 15.74 USD
Cayuga White 750ml
A light refreshing white wine. This wine features flavors of tart apple with a distinctive grape flavor. It is an easy drinking wine that is great for all occasions
15.74 15.74 USD
Foxy White 750ml
This wine is made from a blend of grapes grown in the Lake Erie Region most notably Diamond. This sweet white wine gets its name Renard from the “foxy” character typical to Concord and other Labrusca family grapes. This wine shows some earthiness but has a light ripe fruit muskiness, making for a refreshing white wine that will pair with anything that has a little spice.
12.96 12.96 USD
Pinot Noir 750ml
Introducing our exquisite Pinot Noir, crafted with precision and passion at Woodbury Vineyards. With each sip, experience the perfect balance of delicate flavors and elegant aromas. Our Pinot Noir captivates the senses with its velvety texture, subtle notes of ripe berries, and hints of earthy undertones. Whether enjoyed on its own or paired with your favorite dishes, this exceptional wine promises an unforgettable journey through the vineyards of Woodbury. Explore the essence of fine winemaking with our Pinot Noir, where every bottle tells a story of craftsmanship and excellence
18.52 18.52 USD
Bourbon Blue 750ml
 Blueberry Wine aged in Tennessee Bourbon Barrels! This Dry Blueberry Wine is sure to please. Can be served both chilled and room Temp. It is wonderful both ways. Pungent blueberries with hints of smoke and of course bourbon make this a great sipping wine or enjoy it with a nice steak.
23.15 23.150000000000002 USD
Blue Raspberry 750ml
This wine showcases the different side of wines. With its blue color and distinct Blue Raspberry flavor, your taste buds will have flashbacks of your childhood. This sweet wine should be served chilled and makes for a great after dinner drink. (It really is blue!)
15.74 15.74 USD