• Red Wines
  • White Wines
  • Fruit Wines
  • Specialty Wines
  • Blush Wines
Cranberry Riesling 750ml
A delightful semi-sweet blend of our 100% Cranberry Wine blended with our locally sourced Riesling. This semi sweet wine shines with a great bright acidity with flavors of cranberry mixed with the apple and minerality of the Riesling. It makes for an easy drinking blend great for all occasions!
15.74 15.74 USD
Foxy Blush 750ml
This Catawba wine is a wonderfully versatile sweet blush. It has strong grape forward flavor and a musky nose. For many this wine is very nostalgic, and is great for holidays, beaches, bonfires, and vacations.
12.96 12.96 USD
Niagara 750ml
This wine showcases the bold aromatic character and low acidity of the Niagara grape with its sweet presentation. The flavor has elements of floral, stone fruit, grape, and Labrusca musk. This will make the perfect summer sangria with fresh fruits.
12.96 12.96 USD